Call us for Free Estimate    (763) 238-5254 or (320) 983-5700


Call us for Free Estimate
(763) 238-5254
(320) 983-5700

Experienced Disease & Insect Services for Anoka, Princeton, Cambridge & Milaca MN

Call (763) 238-5254 or (320) 983-5700 to Request An Appointment

Disease Treatment and Prevention

Many trees are susceptible to a variety of diseases. We offer solutions to help solve your tree's problems.

Treating Oak Wilt in Anoka, MN

Fight Oak Wilt and Other Diseases!

Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm Disease are prevalent in Minnesota but can be prevented and treatment may be an option. If you suspect Oak Wilt or other disease or insect problems on your property, we can work to stop it from spreading and eliminate it. Root Plowing and Injecting are options along with sanitation of area. Red Oaks must be treated before they are infected. White Oaks can be treated in earlier stages. Contact Pioneer Tree Service with your tree concerns and see what your options are.

Coon Rapids Emerald Ash Borer Damage
Princeton Tree Disease Services Elk River Tree Disease Treatment

Insect Treatment and Prevention

There are many boring insects attracted to various trees, especially trees already under stress. Boring insects lay their eggs under the tree bark and their larvae feed on the interior of the tree until mature and then bore their way out through the bark as adults to start the cycle over again. The boring leaves telltale signs - exit holes. The feeding under the bark causes the real damage and will kill your tree over time. Emerald Ash Borer is probably the most familiar but there are other borers specific to Oaks, Birch, Pines and more.

Insecticide Options for Protecting and Treating Your Trees

There are options when deciding to treat your trees for insects. In general:

For more detailed information on Tree Diseases and Insect Problems, visit some of the helpful links on our contact page. Pioneer Tree Service stays current with university and government agency recommendations on tree care.

Elk River - Oak Wilt Kills - Anoka, MN Oak Wilt
Tree Disease Treatment from Pioneer Tree